疫情下的春天 Spring Under the Epidemic
多咨处咨询集团的创始人Hera Zhang
远见教育集团副总裁 Zina
#加拿大 #多咨处 #远见教育集团 #Farvision #疫情 #多伦多 #纪录片
新动力传媒由加拿大最大的独立第三方网络服务供应商Distributel电讯集团创立, 是加拿大唯一能连通中加两地、传统媒体和新媒体、线下活动和线上节目的全媒体平台。影响力覆盖加拿大华人社区,同时对接主流社会,是促进中加之间文化经贸交流的独具影响力的媒体。
旗下600国际台用普通话、广东话、英文24小时不间断播出,原创节目包括《600新闻》、《Global Eyes》、《CEO派克大叔的朋友们》、《海狸家族》、《留学路上》等。世界各地观众通过电视、手机、电脑收看分享的渠道包括:加国所有中文电视盒;万锦市政厅、太古广场、餐厅等全多伦多的60多处挂屏(新动力是全加唯一有挂屏的华文媒体);新动力传媒微信、官网、YOUTUBE、今日头条等新媒体平台。
Xinflix Media affiliated to Canada’s largest independent third-party Internet service provider Distributel Telecommunications Group, is the only omni-media in GTA who could integrate traditional and new media, offline activities and online all media platforms. Bridging the Chinese community in Canada with the mainstream society, we have a unique influence to promote cultural and economic exchanges between China and Canada.
Our original programs include “600 News”, “Global Eyes”, “CEO Patrick & Friends”, “Beaver Family”, “Studying Abroad” and so on. Channels for viewers around the world to watch and share on TV, mobile phones and computers include all Chinese TV boxes in Canada; We are the only Chinese media institution with more than 60 approved screens in Canada, and our L-shape screens have been hang various places in GTA, such as the Markham City Hall, Pacific Place, and popular in Toronto. We have also launched our WeChat public account, official website, YouTube, Toutiao and other media platforms.