备受瞩目的2025年华彩奖颁奖典礼已于2025年1月16日晚在位于安大略省多伦多市中心,著名地标多伦多国际电影节大楼TIFF Lightbox盛大举行。

The highly anticipated 2025 Huacai Awards Ceremony was grandly held on the evening of January 16, 2025, at the iconic TIFF Lightbox in downtown Toronto, Ontario.


The awards ceremony attracted diplomats from the consulates of China, Mexico, Panama, Peru, El Salvador, Uruguay, Argentina, Guyana, and Japan, along with over 300 community leaders from diverse backgrounds and elite professionals from various industries across Canada. Together, they gathered to celebrate and honor individuals and organizations for their outstanding contributions to society.

华彩奖自设立以来每年都会得到社会各界的广泛支持,其规模和影响力不断扩大。这次走出新动力演播厅,走进了高端网红地Tiff Lightbox,作为颁奖盛典的场地,是本届华彩奖Xinflix Media(新动力传媒)携手The Justin Poy Agency联合主办的成果。

Since its establishment, the Huacai Awards has received broad support from all sectors of society, with its scale and influence continuously expanding. This year, the awards stepped out of the Xinflix Media studio and into the high-end, trendy TIFF Lightbox. The event was a result of the collaboration between Xinflix Media and The Justin Poy Agency.

大会邀请到Global News知名记者,也是拥有华裔血统的Miranda Anthistle作为颁奖礼主持人。她的主持让Global news和Omni News都对活动作出了报道。

The event invited Miranda Anthistle, a well-known reporter from Global News of Chinese descent, as the host of the awards ceremony. Her hosting drew coverage of the event from both Global News and Omni News.


活动伊始,新动力集团荣誉主席Mel Cohen发表致辞,他以包容为主题,以宽容为正道,期待世界和平,以消除种族歧视为倡议。随后,奖杯赞助商108 Securities的总裁Michael上台发言,他表达了成为华彩奖赞助商的荣耀,并对众多获奖得主发出衷心祝贺。

As a video reviewing the past editions of the Huacai Awards played, the brilliance of past achievements was vividly recalled. Looking back at previous ceremonies, each step was filled with touching and meaningful stories.

At the beginning of the event, Mel Cohen, Honorary Chairman of Xinflix Media Group, delivered a speech. He spoke on the theme of inclusivity, advocating for tolerance as the right path, and expressing hope for world peace while calling for the elimination of racial discrimination. Following him, Michael, President of 108 Securities, the trophy sponsor, took the stage. He expressed his honor in being a sponsor of the Huacai Awards and extended heartfelt congratulations to all the award winners.

晚会首先揭晓了2025华彩年度人物奖的得主——Donette Chin-Loy Chang, LLD。

这一殊荣由前华彩年度人物大奖获奖者、加拿大第一位亚裔女性参议员利德惠博士颁发,以表彰Donette Chang博士在众多领域的杰出贡献。无论是在教育、医疗、社会公益和艺术推广等方面,她都对加拿大社会和人民生活的进步起到无与伦比的影响力。

The evening began with the announcement of the 2025 Huacai Person of the Year Award, presented to Donette Chin-Loy Chang, LLD.

This prestigious honor was awarded by Dr. Vivienne Poy, former Huacai Person of the Year recipient and Canada’s first Asian female senator, in recognition of Dr. Chang’s outstanding contributions across various fields. Whether in education, healthcare, social welfare, or the promotion of the arts, she has made an unparalleled impact on the advancement of Canadian society and the lives of its people.

 2025华彩杰出国际商业推广奖则颁给了新世纪皇宫酒楼创始人Tony Chhung Gov、美讯集团Chao Gao以及加拿大微盟海聚创始人Eason Kun Su,以表彰它们在帮助社区和推动国际商业发展方面的杰出贡献。颁奖嘉宾是国会议员MP Paul Chiang。

The 2025 Huacai International Economic Trade Excellence Award was presented to Tony Chhung Gov, founder of New Century Palace Restaurant, Chao Gao of iMpact Group, and Eason Kun Su, founder of Weimob Canada, in recognition of their outstanding contributions to community support and the promotion of international business development. The award was presented by Member of Parliament (MP) Paul Chiang.

在2025度华彩加拿大商业领导力奖中,联邦小商业部长The Honourable Rechie Valdez和著名作家Gavin Barrett因其在推动加拿大商业发展领域的卓越贡献而荣获殊荣。

The 2025 Huacai Leadership in Canadian Business Award was presented to The Honourable Rechie Valdez, Minister of Small Business, and renowned author Gavin Barrett, in recognition of their outstanding contributions to promoting business development in Canada.

颁奖嘉宾利德惠博士对获奖者表示了高度赞扬。获奖者们在感言中纷纷表示,将继续为加拿大商业的提升和发展贡献自己的力量,其中The Honourable Minister Rechie Valdez更是激动得泪洒当场,对获得华彩殊荣感到骄傲,对社区民众认同她的工作感到欣慰。

Dr. Vivienne Poy, the award presenter, highly praised the recipients. During their acceptance speeches, the winners expressed their commitment to continuing their efforts to enhance and develop Canadian business. The Honourable Minister Rechie Valdez was particularly moved, shedding tears as she spoke. She expressed pride in receiving the Huacai Award and felt grateful for the community’s recognition of her work.

此外,择一集团创始人Justin Weng、Dantitude Group创始人李欣桐、加拿大皇家内科医师医学院士世界战争儿童基金会会长Dr. SAMANTHA NUTT因其在年轻一代中的卓越领导力和杰出成绩而荣获2025华彩卓越青年领导力奖。颁奖嘉宾是中国驻多伦多总领馆副总领事程洪波先生。

In addition, Justin Weng, founder of SGV Group, Li Xintong, founder of Dantitude Group, and Dr. Samantha Nutt, President of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the World War Children Foundation, were awarded the 2025 Huacai Outstanding Youth Contribution Award for their outstanding leadership and achievements among the younger generation. The award was presented by Mr. Cheng Hongbo, Deputy Consul General of the Consulate General of China in Toronto.

在行业领军人物奖,VirgoCX创始人Adam Cai和FoodsUp创始人韩笛,因其在本行业中的创新精神和领导力而荣获2025华彩行业领军奖,颁奖嘉宾是加拿大前参议员胡子修。

The 2025 Huacai Industry Leader Award was presented to Adam Cai, founder of VirgoCX, and Han Di, founder of FoodsUp, in recognition of their innovation and leadership in their respective industries. The award was presented by former Canadian Senator Victor Oh.


颁奖嘉宾是万锦市市长Frank Scarpitti。

The 2025 Huacai Outstanding Public Service Organization Award was presented to the Toronto Dragon Festival and Destination Markham, in recognition of their contributions to enriching community life and promoting multicultural development. The award was presented by Frank Scarpitti, Mayor of Markham.

在学术领域,法语贵族私立学校TFS校长Norman Gaudet、多伦多都市大学医学院创始院长Dr. Teresa M. Chan因其对学术的贡献和卓越教育领导力而荣获2025华彩卓越学术先进奖。颁奖嘉宾是王裕佳医生。

In the academic field, Norman Gaudet, Headmaster of the French private school TFS, and Dr. Teresa M. Chan, Founding Dean of the Toronto Metropolitan University School of Medicine, were awarded the 2025 Huacai Leadership in Academic Award for their contributions to academics and outstanding educational leadership. The award was presented by Dr. Joseph Wang.

获奖者们在感言中纷纷表示将继续致力推动学术发展与交流,培养更多社会发展进步力量的中流砥柱。而Dr. Teresa M. Chan在发表获奖感言时提到几周前父亲去世,正在情绪低落的时候荣幸地获得了华彩奖的认证,更是情不自禁地泪洒现场。

The award recipients expressed their commitment to continue promoting academic development and exchange, and to cultivate more pillars of social progress. During her acceptance speech, Dr. Teresa M. Chan shared that she had recently lost her father and was feeling emotionally low. However, she felt deeply honored to receive the Huacai Award during such a difficult time, and could not hold back her tears as she spoke.

国会议员Leah Taylor Roy、著名媒体人James Lin以及多伦多亚洲国际电影节执行总监Deanna Wong因他/她们在社区工作出色的表现和贡献,而荣获2025华彩社区和谐与多元化奖。

颁奖嘉宾是TIFF CEO Cameron Bailey。

Member of Parliament Leah Taylor Roy, renowned media personality James Lin, and Deanna Wong, Executive Director of the Toronto Asian Film Festival, were awarded the 2025 Huacai Community Harmony and Diversity Award for their outstanding contributions and work in the community. The award was presented by TIFF CEO Cameron Bailey.

典礼的最后还宣布了2026年度华彩颁奖盛典将会增加合作伙伴-星岛传媒集团。STMG是媒体界的翘楚,和新动力传媒以及Justin Poy Agents的强强联合,肯定会为华彩奖的影响力增添光彩,为奖项的多元化和代表性增添元素。

At the end of the ceremony, it was announced that the 2026 Huacai Awards will welcome a new partner—Sing Tao Media Group (STMG). As a leader in the media industry, STMG’s strong partnership with Xinflix Media and Justin Poy Agencies is sure to enhance the influence of the Huacai Awards, adding elements of diversity and representation to the prestigious event.


With the host’s closing remarks and a final group photo, the 2025 Xinflix Huacai Awards Ceremony concluded successfully.


This night was not only a celebration of the achievements of outstanding individuals in society but also a tribute to multiculturalism and social progress. In the future, Xinflix Media Group will continue to collaborate with positive forces in society, using major initiatives like the annual Huacai Awards to promote interaction and communication between people from different cultures and backgrounds, connect resources, build networks, and work together to advance the exchange and development of a harmonious multicultural society.